Port Personnel

Port Pascagoula Staff and Jackson County Port Authority Board of Commissioners are dedicated to making your import/export activities a prosperous venture. We can not only provide competitive port rates but can also coordinate cost-effective transportation to your cargo’s destination. We’re here to provide the best solutions to your needs.

For information, please e-mail HERE


Bo Ethridge

Bo Ethridge
Port Director

Shannon Coggin

Shannon Coggin
Chief Administrative Officer

Jeremy Rogers

Jeremy Rogers
Operations Manager

Michael Smith
Port Engineer & Utilities Manager

Kelly Rouse

Kelly Rouse
Finance Manager

Jeanna Blackman

Jeanna Blackman
Finance Assistant Manager

Brittany Johnson

Brittany Johnson
Purchasing Agent

Joseph Powell

Joseph Powell
Security Manager & Communications

Chuck Camp

Chuck Camp
Business Development Manager

Cliff Porter

Cliff Porter

WauKeita Graves

WauKeita Graves
Executive Assistant & Secretary to the Board of Commissioners

Caroline Nettles
External Affairs & Marketing Manager


Ian Sutherland
Operations & Facilities Superintendent

Anthony Brown
Black Creek Cooling Facility Superintendent

Aaron White
Bayou Casotte Industrial Water System Superintendent

James “Jimbo” Wicker
Singing River Island Property Manager