Port Pascagoula
A Full-Serice Deep Water Port

Port Pascagoula is a thriving gateway strategically positioned to support maritime commerce in Mississippi, serving as a vital economic engine for the region. Our central location and advanced facilities make our port the preferred hub for energy, manufacturing, and agricultural industries.

Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) #92

Creating Opportunities

Port Pascagoula offers a range of contracting opportunities for businesses and vendors looking to collaborate on various projects. Businesses interested in contracting can stay informed about open bids and procurement procedures here.

Berth Application

Port Pascagoula’s berth application process is designed to efficiently manage vessel scheduling and dock usage. Secure your vessel’s designated spot in advance by submitting a berth application here. 

License Application

Port Pascagoula offers licensing applications for services such as stevedoring and other port operations. Businesses looking to operate within the port must apply for the appropriate licenses to ensure compliance with regulations.

Port Pascagoula is centrally located on the Gulf of Mexico with convenient and efficient transportation outlets.