Local Resources

Port Pascagoula has an outstanding network of support to assist in your cargo transit. Here are some of the “port partners” you might find helpful in your ventures.


Jackson County Airport Authority (228) 475-1371
Gulfport-Biloxi Regional Airport (228) 863-5951

Barge Fleeting Service, Tug & Tow Service

Modern American Recycling Services (985) 631-6212
Signet Maritime Marine Services (228) 762-3460

Bunkering Services

Martin Energy Services, LLC (228) 762-0636


Dockside Transportation Services (251) 438-2362
Lott Ship Agency (251) 433-1621
U.S. Maritime Services, LLC (251) 459-1578

Fumigation Services

D.A. Marine Fumigation, Inc. (508) 888-4941
Redd Pest Control of Gulfport (888) 733-3626

Line Services

Bert’s Line Handling, Inc. (251) 432-1611
Dockside Services (251) 438-2362
J & N Freight Services (251) 789-2164
Tri-State Maritime (251) 432-1054


Pascagoula Bar Pilots Association (228) 762-1151
Capt. Walter Gautier (228) 762-0207
Capt. Daryl Langley (228) 762-0207
Capt. Fred Lundy (228) 762-0207
Capt. Brian Waters (228) 762-0207
Capt. Jasper Walsh (228) 762-0207
Capt. Edward McGorty --


CSX Transportation (877) 744-7279
Canadian National (866) 896-6601
Mississippi Export Railroad (228) 475-3322

Seamen's Service Centers

Operated by: Jackson County Baptist Association (228) 769-7101

Ship Chandlers

Atlas Maritime Services, Inc. (251) 432-4533
Gulf Coast Marine Supply Co. (251) 452-8066
Hempel Coatings (USA), Inc. (936) 523-6000
Maymar Marine Supply (228) 762-2241
McCarron Services, LLC (251) 406-2335
Mobile Ship Chandlery, Inc. (251) 432-3501
Sysco Food Service of New Orleans (504) 731-1015
World Ship Supply (504) 586-0767

Ship Repairs

Gibson Electric Motor Service (228) 762-4923
Bollinger Mississippi Repair, LLC (228) 712-0010
Bollinger Mississippi Shipbuilding, LLC (228) 696-6888

Steamship Agents

Biehl and Company (251) 432-1605
Blue Water Shipping (504) 455-8462
Celtic International Shipping Agency (225) 368-0980
DSV Marine Services (504) 372-6742
Fillette Green & Co. (251) 438-5372
General Steamship Corp., Ltd. (251) 438-5071
Gulf Agency Company (GAC) Shipping (228) 712-9995
Gulf Harbor Shipping LLC (228) 712-9870
Gulf Inland Marine (504) 647-2770
Gulf Marine Contractors (866) 594-6886
Host Agency, LLC (251) 433-1536
Inchcape Shipping Services (251) 461-2742
Lott Ship Agency (251) 433-1622
Maritime Endeavors Shipping Co. (504) 837-7700
Mid-Gulf Shipping Co., Inc. (504) 835-1212
Modern American Recycling Services (985) 631-6212
Nord-Sud Shipping, Inc. (251) 431-7274
Norton Lily International (251) 433-6335
Page and Jones, Inc. (251) 432-1646
Transmarine Navigation Corporation (504) 529-4646
Ross Maritime (251) 432-1611
Seacliff Agency (251) 433-1196
Southport Agencies, Inc. (504) 913-9035
Bollinger Mississippi Shipbuilding, LLC (228) 762-0010
Wilhemsen Lines (USA), Inc. (251) 471-2661

Stevedores/Terminal Operators

American Pipe Handlers (225) 412-7701
Gulf Stream Marine, Inc. (228)369-4520
CSA Equipment Co., LLC (228) 762-1054
Tri State Maritime Services, Inc. (251) 432-1054
Premier Bulk Stevedoring (251) 432-3283
Tidal Transport @ Trading USA, Ltd. (714) 843-5100
Pangaea Logistics Solutions, LLC ---


Intertek USA, Inc. (251) 457-8751
Lloyd’s Register N.A. (281) 488-0778
Michael H. Barrie (251) 433-8122
Saybolt, L.P. (251) 679-1113

Vessel Cleaning

Bertucci Industrial Services, LLC (504) 305-3289
Oil Recovery Co. of Alabama (251) 690-9010
Waste Oil Collectors, Inc. (228) 497-4585

Waste Provider

Americlean (504) 913-9035
Waste Pro Mississippi (228) 818-5393